Thursday, October 25, 2007


So I would like to take this moment to post a trailer for a flick I saw last night. The movie is called "One Missed Call", and is in my opinion, one of the better Japanese horror flicks to be made in the last five years. The original is a must see! I can't gush over it enough.
However, the american version is going to have Shannyn Sossamon starring (even though iMDB has some dude at the top of the list... pricks).

Oh Shannyn, how I love thee! Let me count the ways.....


30 Days of Night

This movie was surprisingly good. It was definitely a edge of your seat style of thriller, with loads of blurry people jumping out from the corner of the screen, etc... In case you haven't seen a preview, the movie follows a small town, the northern most american town in Alaska, which experiences an entire month of no sun each year. This town is the target of some...not so human attackers. The plot is pretty bad, but then again how complex are most vampyre movies?
The real shocker was Josh Hartnett. I haven't really seen a movie where I liked him, even though I'll watch "40 Days and 40 Nights" for Shannyn Sossamon any day. Oh Shannyn.... Melissa George was in this flick too, and she is extremely hot, even though her accent in this movie isn't. If your not down to loose your popcorn in the theatre, this is definitely worth renting....and turning out the lights. However these types of movies tend to loose their thriller value in the safety of your own home.

Plot- 2
Directing- 3
Acting- 3
Cinematography- 4
Gore- 3 for decapitation

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Interlude - Movies and Reality

So I would like to take this moment to have a break from critiques, and just talk movies. I will do this from time to time, feel free to join in discussion. Crank has made me re-evaluate the way I think about movies. Ever since I was a small kid, when I saw live action movies that were filmed as if the existed in real life, I treated them as such. Let me reiterate: Live action films, with real actors, set in real places should behave as if they are in the real world. However, this recent movie, and many I can think of, made me rethink this. Why can't a realistic movie, still exist in the realm of fantasy. It can, and thats what I've decided on.
Don't get me wrong, I love fantasy movies set in crazy places with crazy people, but with those it was easy for me to jump to a fantasy world and forgive them for their transgressions against reality....and physics. Now I have to apply this to real world movies. Even if I have to grit my teeth when they never re-load their guns, or accend 33,000 feet in 20 seconds, or blow stuff up just to have it in the background of the next scene. No one is perfect, and there are tons of people in Hollywood, so movies should have tons of imperfections to...right?

I'm not taking back my review of Crank. That movie sucked.


!Contains Spoilers!
So this movie is the reason for this blog, because I had to publish my opinion of how rubbish this was to watch. First off, there is no plot. I know what you may be thinking, you one of a million people who loved this shit, but trying to kill a guy for poisoning you isn't a plot, it is a thematic device, which is part of a plot. That wasn't the worst part of the movie however, theres more. Much More. The movie stars Jason Statham, who I absolutely was a fan of, until seeing this movie.

So this movie creates a world with completely make-beleive physics, features a made up society, and pretty much lives in its own craziness. Two scenes are the most disturbing to me for different reason which I will explain:

The "love" scene: Okay, first off, the idea that women want to be raped, ie that no means yes, has permanently harmed the psyche of human existence on this planet. This scene involves the main character forcing himself on his girlfriend in the middle of Chinatown, surrounded by gawking on lookers. At no point does anyone try and stop this (which I beleive someone would) for either the rape aspect, or the public indecency aspect. Of course she gets into it and by the end she's getting railed from behind, gripping a newspaper stand with everyone cheering for the guy. I seriously thought he'd wake up from some drug trip to find out none of it happened. Which would have made more sense, but alas...

The Final Scene: All I have to say is that one moment the helicopter is avoiding downtown L.A. skyscrapers, and within seconds the main character is falling out of said helicopter at roughing 35,000 feet. Which gives him long enough time to a) strangle bad guy, b) quite reflection, c) phone his girlfriend to apologize for dieing, d) more reflection and finally d) bouncing off car downtown just to live some more...

Suffice it to say I wish I wouldn't have seen it, but if you liked Transformers, I highly recommend it. Next week: I rip on Transformers....j/p

Plot- ?
Directing- 1
Acting- 2
Cinematography- 2

Aimée & Jaguar

This film is great. I picked this one to start off the site specifically because it is great, and recently a new addition to my favorite movie list. The movie is set during World War II, and is an odd but moving love story. I say odd because the situation surrounding it and they way the characters interact is full of tension. So I guess it is a pretty normal love, which is odd for movies. The plot is fairly dry, love during war, but this is made up for by seriously amazing acting on the part of Juliane Köhler (Aimée), equally reciprocated by Maria Schrader (Jaguar). Of course there is some added tension that I will allow you to discover for your own.

So you can find this film in the foreign or German sections of your nearest movie rental, unless you rent from Blockbuster. Just kidding, they probably have it, I wouldn't know really. I bring up the foreign thing just to get this out of the way on the first blog, but I dislike the term foreign as a category. This movie is a romantic drama, which just happens to have been made outside of the U.S., has subtitles and is therefore relegated to the milieu of "foreign".

This movie has heavy lesbian themes, so if you are homophobic, go walk of a cliff and save us the trouble. just kidding, but really, get some class. Love is love, and this story is going to go down as a classic.

Plot- 3
Directing- 4
Acting- 5