Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Saw Cloverfield this weekend. Yep...

So I would like to know if Hollywood ever plans on making regular movies were people bleed realistically. Seriously, Odette Yustman took a rebar from her mid-back, through her upper left shoulder. I'm pretty sure the tangled mess of veins coming out of the heart would have had a problem with that. But alas, pretty grrl makes it to the end...

Okay, so this movie was cool. It gave me the worst headache ever, even making me useless for the rest of the day. Also I was left with more questions at the end then I generally like to have (ie. what the fuck just happened, what happens next, etc...).

I do want to know what camera that dude had, cuz the battery power on that was uber badass.

Plot- 2
Directing- 2
Acting- 3
Cinematography- 1 (shaky cam doesn't count as cinematography)

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