Thursday, December 6, 2007


Awesome. I've had such good luck with movies this week!

So this movie is based on one of the greatest video games around (same title). At first I wasn't so into Timothy Olyphant as agent 47, as I like the big guy, but he did a good job. Tim generally does a good job in his films, even if they are generally small parts (he was in Stop-loss too). I really liked this movie, even if Vin Diesel produced it and it had the directing style of Micheal Bay ("that's not being creative, that just special effects!!"). However I can't tell you if I liked it because I played the game so much or not. However my friend Gina liked it, and she didn't play it...

Regardless, this is a action movie on the caliber of most hitman style movies (except "The Professional" which is a total classic), so if you like that sort of thing, check it out!

Plot- 2
Directing- 3
Acting- 3
Cinematography- 2
Gore- 1 for murder


Ameri-kinda said...

Did you download it?

th-Inker said...

Download it? That's illegal buddy.... lmao. Nah I saw it in the theatres.