Thursday, December 6, 2007

Pink Flamingo's

Just got John Waters' Pink Flamingo's.... omg, that movie was freakin awesome. Kitsch, vibrant, good music and hilarious to boot. Now, the movie is not for the feint of heart. There is loads of nudity, bestiality, animal abuse, violence, murder and general filthiness.

Why can't they make movies like this anymore? oh yeah... the mpaa. You know what? Fuck the MPAA. If you haven't seen "This Film Is Not Rated" it. It is an exposé on the totally bullshit that is the MPAA. For the lazy ones out there, a brief description. The MPAA exists under the guise of "rating" movies so that people can more accurately determine what movies they want to go see, emphasis on families going to see movies. However, the real effect of the rating system is to solidify the ties between motion picture corporations, and their revenue via ticket sales. They claim that the ratings don't affect the revenue of a film, however movies are shown in theatres that restrict which type of ratings they show and how much they show them. So movies companies will specifically write in a directors contract that it has to get a R or below rating, or they won't let them produce it, strictly because they know they won't make the money back due to limited release etc.... So basically the MPAA and the motion picture corporations have decided to determine the american people's taste in movies, and they have tricked everyone into believing that they're right! The worst part is that the major claim of the MPAA is to protect kids/families as well as represent the "american moviegoer", since they limit who at what age is allowed to see the films, yet they are mostly cristain and single, some not even american?!? arrghhh.... Actually, the worst part is that the MPAA is entirely a private company that limits the "free speech"of film artists in the states (which in case you didn't know, doesn't truly exist) in a totally sleezey way.

Regardless, a movie like this will never be made in this country again unless it is an independent film, and not like as in warnerbros independent, but get your camera and lets go shoot independent.

Plot- 4
Directing- 4
Acting- 3
Cinematography- 3
Gore- 3 for killing a chicken in a sex scene

ps. anyone want to get my camera and go shoot?

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