Wednesday, April 16, 2008


So I thought I'd explain my brief hiatus from blogging in case there is even one person out there who is interested....*cough*

Well to tell you the truth, it really just hasn't been a priority. I've mostly been worried about, and trying to plan for the up coming economic depression. Granted, a large part of that plan involves going to Graduate school in San Francisco and adding to my debt.... =/ not smart I know. However I'm hoping it will open some opportunities to get the fuck out of this country post graduation...

Other then that I have been catching up on hella T.V., which, while it has a place in this blog, I feel less inclined to write about for some reason. Got to catch up on Planet Earth: awesome, Gankutsuo: awesome as well, Doctor Who: amazing, and I read all of the Hellsing Manga in like two days. That comic book is just mind blowing, captivating, and in general bad ass.

Some Japanese TV I cannot stop watching (I'm so addicted in fact I watch the raw versions as they come out even though I have a first grader's understanding of the Japanese language): Bleach, Naruto: Shippuuden, xxx-Holic, Soul Eater (brand new and amazingly drawn), and of course the Hellsing: Ultimate OVA's. I also read all the manga associated with said shows O_o

I'm out buddy, and I'm not your friend guy.

PS. I hope you saved your gold already... It looks like it will close today at $945 per ounce, but it peaked over $1K a month ago!!

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