Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Ruins (Spoilers)

!!This review contains spoilers!!

Went to see The Ruins last night.... Nice. Before going to the movie, someone told me it was terrible, so naturally I got excited. Bear in mind that I like bad movies, cause I really liked this one.

I mean really, who doesn't like screaming plants, Mayans, and pretty girls cutting themselves. I gave this one a 3 on gore, however, had the gore they included pervaded more of the movie, I would have given it a better score cause it was awesome, only very brief. Two visions that won't leave my mind anytime soon: 1) The dude who just got his legs broken, and watching the bones get pulled out of the ragged muscles left over; and 2) Laura Ramsey cutting into her thigh, and then digging into it with her fingers.... Awesome.

What wasn't awesome, but very B-Movie-ish, the most annoying grrl (who, by the way never wanted to be there in the first place) is the only one that lives. Granted, that grrl was Jena Malone who is all over hollywood right now, but still.

Watching these types of situations - you know - where people are faced with imminent death if they don't problem solve pronto, always makes me think of what I would have done in their place. So here it is: 1) I would definately tried to electrocute the plant with the crank generator. I mean come on, there was no chance they could have burned down the temple with the minimal wood available. 2) Had all attempts failed to escape, I so would have start chucking pieces of vine all over the villagers and jungle. Those fools should really build like a fence or something. If I'm going to die, I'm going to take down as much of civilization as I can! Muah ha ha ha

Plot- 3
Directing- 2
Acting- 3
Cinematography- 1 cheap photoshop
Gore- 3

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good to see you're blogging again ;)
