Wednesday, April 16, 2008


So it has been almost two months since I've posted.... =/ I have been watching, maybe too much.

So I finally saw Juno last night. Took me long enough. Goddess, Ellen Page is so fucking awesome! (Happy 21st by the way as of Feb Ellen) Why is everything that is good in america Canadian? oh yeah, cause they are cooler than us, and not just climate related coolness. I'm not quite used to the long hair, but after I go see Smart People, I might change my tune.

Anyway, Jason Reitman directed this. He has started to make a name for himself with such films as Thank You For Smoking and In God We Trust, not to mention directing the first episode of the american version of The Office. I have one beef concerning Juno however: That is the runners at the close curtain of the film. If this was only a visual element meant to tie in the theme of the runners throughout the movie, then shame on you Jason. By having Bleeker not running, he is implying that he quit the team. Dong-Ma? However he just set a personal record for the 800 meter like a few scenes before the end. Are we to understand that he quit to start a music career with Juno? [remove tongue from cheek]

Speaking of Bleeker, Micheal Cera is fucking awesome as well. For those of you unfamiliar with his work, go to you local video store and rent Arrested Development right now!

The music was great, mostly the Moldy Peaches.... who disappeared a while back...

Plot- 4
Directing- 4
Acting- 5
Cinematography- 4
Gore- N/A

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